We had a very great time during Halloween evening. When we got to Crystal River Juliana invited us to join her and her family to Halloween event. I thought it would be a party with many scary thing but it occurred to be a nice full of playing time for children. They do everything just for them. Halloween is not taken as a religious thing and it is all about having get dressed up and having fun. You do not have to dress as a scary creature, you can wear whatever you want. We liked the decorations and trick or treat. The atmosphere was really nice. We got to the church where there were many bouncy castles and performances so kids could have fun. After that we went trick or treat. People in the neighborhood were enjoying the night too. Some of them were waiting inside their homes for kids to come and some were sitting outside and had a chat with people. One front yard was extra decorated with skeletons, jack-o-lanterns, ghosts and dead trees. It looked pretty scary but this is all human. Some people like watching horrors and making fun of ghost and death. It's just our imagination and I do not see anything bad in it. In Poland, people take it too seriously and they do not want our country to Americanized but they should know it is European origin and people are saving some tradition of our ancestors. I wish we could celebrate Halloween in Poland the same friendly way like they do in America and I wish I could eat pumpkin pie every day :)