Philly welcomed us with "be careful" advice :) but we did not take it seriously and carried on. Ughh there was litter everywhere and every 60m traffic lights. This wcity started killing me slowly. Next day we went to visit some nice places as City Hall and Independence Hall. We learned a lesson of history that was very interesting :) met George W. and took a selfie with him. We were surprised by many amazing an colorful murals. You can find them everywhere in this city so I guess it must be a city of artists. Obviously we had to try a local sandwich called cheesesteak. It was funny experience because I expected a lot of cheese and there was only some liquid. I thought it was mustard or something, I didn't want to be rude and complain :) Later I found out that it was whiz cheese, a kinfd of cheese that you can drink :D Something was spicy in that sandwich so went to get a frosty from wendy's and it came out really frosty so we could not drink it and quench the hell in our mouth ;) Anyway we had a great time in Philly. Check out our funny videos and photos.


94 km
56 mi
5 hours
time on saddle
18.51 km/h
average speed
11 mph
0.61 km
elevation up
0 mi
0.68 km
elevation down
0 mi